Source code for pymake.pymake_base

"""Main pymake function, :code:`pymake.main()`, that is called when pymake is
run from the command line. :code:`pymake.main()` can also be called directly
from a script in combination with :code:`pymake.parser()`.

.. code-block:: python

    import pymake
    args = pymake.parser()

The script could be run from the command line using:

.. code-block:: bash

    python ../src myapp -fc=ifort -cc=icc

import inspect
import os
import pathlib as pl
import shutil
import sys
import traceback

from .config import __version__
from .utils._compiler_language_files import (
from .utils._compiler_switches import (
from .utils._file_utils import _get_extra_exclude_files
from .utils._meson_build import _meson_build
from .utils._Popen_wrapper import (

[docs]def main( srcdir=None, target=None, fc="gfortran", cc="gcc", makeclean=True, expedite=False, dryrun=False, double=False, debug=False, include_subdirs=False, fflags=None, cflags=None, syslibs=None, arch="intel64", makefile=False, makefiledir=".", srcdir2=None, extrafiles=None, excludefiles=None, sharedobject=False, appdir=None, verbose=False, inplace=False, networkx=False, meson=False, mesondir=".", ): """Main pymake function. Parameters ---------- srcdir : str path for directory containing source files target : str executable name or path for executable to create fc : str fortran compiler cc : str c or cpp compiler makeclean : bool boolean indicating if intermediate files should be cleaned up after successful build expedite : bool boolean indicating if only out of date source files will be compiled. Clean must not have been used on previous build. dryrun : bool boolean indicating if source files should be compiled. Files will be deleted, if makeclean is True. double : bool boolean indicating a compiler switch will be used to create an executable with double precision real variables. debug : bool boolean indicating is a debug executable will be built include_subdirs : bool boolean indicating source files in srcdir subdirectories should be included in the build fflags : list user provided list of fortran compiler flags cflags : list user provided list of c or cpp compiler flags syslibs : list user provided syslibs arch : str Architecture to use for Intel Compilers on Windows (default is intel64) makefile : bool boolean indicating if a GNU make makefile should be created makefiledir : str GNU make makefile path srcdir2 : str additional directory with common source files. extrafiles : str path for extrafiles file that contains paths to additional source files to include excludefiles : str path for excludefiles file that contains filename of source files to exclude from the build sharedobject : bool boolean indicating a shared object will be built appdir : str path for executable verbose : bool boolean indicating if output will be printed to the terminal inplace : bool boolean indicating that the source files in srcdir, srcdir2, and defined in extrafiles will be used directly. If inplace is False, source files will be copied to a directory named srcdir_temp. (default is False) networkx : bool boolean indicating that the NetworkX python package will be used to create the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) used to determine the order source files are compiled in. The NetworkX package tends to result in a unique DAG more often than the standard algorithm used in pymake. (default is False) meson : bool boolean indicating that the executable should be built using the meson build system. (default is False) mesondir : str Main file path Returns ------- returncode : int return code """ if meson: if not inplace: inplace = True print( f"Using meson to build {os.path.basename(target)}, " + "ressetting inplace to True" ) if srcdir is not None and target is not None: objdir_temp, moddir_temp, srcdir_temp = get_temporary_directories( appdir=appdir, target=pl.Path(target).stem, ) if inplace: srcdir_temp = srcdir # process appdir if appdir is not None: target = os.path.join(appdir, target) # make appdir if it does not exist if not os.path.isdir(appdir): os.makedirs(appdir) else: target = os.path.join(".", target) # set fc and cc to None if they are passed as 'none' if fc == "none": fc = None if cc == "none": cc = None if fc is None and cc is None: msg = ( "Nothing to do the fortran (-fc) and c/c++ compilers (-cc)" + "are both 'none'." ) raise ValueError(msg) # convert fflags, cflags, and syslibs to lists if fflags is None: fflags = [] elif isinstance(fflags, str): fflags = fflags.split() if cflags is None: cflags = [] elif isinstance(cflags, str): cflags = cflags.split() if syslibs is None: syslibs = [] elif isinstance(syslibs, str): syslibs = syslibs.split() # write summary information if verbose: print(f"\nsource files are in:\n {srcdir}\n") print(f"executable name to be created:\n {target}\n") if srcdir2 is not None: msg = "additional source files are in:\n" + f" {srcdir2}\n" print(msg) # make sure the path for the target exists pth = os.path.dirname(target) if pth == "": pth = "." if not os.path.exists(pth): print(f"creating target path - {pth}\n") os.makedirs(pth) # initialize srcfiles = _pymake_initialize( srcdir, target, srcdir2, extrafiles, excludefiles, include_subdirs, objdir_temp, moddir_temp, srcdir_temp, meson, ) # get ordered list of files to compile srcfiles = _get_ordered_srcfiles(srcfiles, networkx) # set intelwin flag to True in compiling on windows with # Intel compilers intelwin = False if not meson: if _get_osname() == "win32": if fc is not None: if fc in ["ifort", "mpiifort"]: intelwin = True if cc is not None: if cc in ["cl", "icl"]: intelwin = True # update openspec files based on intelwin if not intelwin: _create_openspec(srcfiles, verbose) # compile the executable if meson: returncode = _meson_build( target, srcdir, srcdir2, extrafiles, srcfiles, debug, double, fc, cc, fflags, cflags, syslibs, sharedobject, mesondir, verbose, ) else: returncode = _pymake_compile( srcfiles, target, fc, cc, expedite, dryrun, double, debug, fflags, cflags, syslibs, arch, intelwin, sharedobject, verbose, ) # create makefile if makefile: _create_makefile( target, srcdir, srcdir2, extrafiles, srcfiles, debug, double, fc, cc, fflags, cflags, syslibs, sharedobject, makefiledir, verbose, ) # clean up temporary files if makeclean and returncode == 0: _clean_temp_files( target, intelwin, inplace, objdir_temp, moddir_temp, srcdir_temp, meson, mesondir, verbose, ) else: msg = ( f"Nothing to do, the srcdir ({srcdir}) " + f"and/or target ({target}) " + "are not specified." ) raise ValueError(msg) return returncode
def _pymake_initialize( srcdir, target, commonsrc, extrafiles, excludefiles, include_subdirs, objdir_temp, moddir_temp, srcdir_temp, meson, ): """Remove temp source directory and target, and then copy source into source temp directory. Parameters ---------- srcdir : str path for directory containing source files target : str path for executable to create commonsrc : str additional directory with common source files. extrafiles : str path for extrafiles file that contains paths to additional source files to include excludefiles : str path for excludefiles file that contains filename of source files to exclude from the build include_subdirs : bool boolean indicating source files in srcdir subdirectories should be included in the build objdir_temp : str path for temporary directory that will contain the object files. moddir_temp : str path for temporary directory that will contain the module files. srcdir_temp : str path for directory that will contain the source files. If srcdir_temp is the same as srcdir then the original source files will be used. Returns ------- srcfiles : list list of source files for build """ # remove the target if it already exists if os.path.isfile(target): os.remove(target) inplace = False if srcdir == srcdir_temp: inplace = True # if exclude is not None, then it is a text file with a list of # source files that need to be excluded from srctemp. excludefiles = _get_extra_exclude_files(excludefiles) if excludefiles: for idx, exclude_file in enumerate(excludefiles): excludefiles[idx] = os.path.basename(exclude_file) # remove srcdir_temp and copy in srcdir if not inplace: if os.path.isdir(srcdir_temp): shutil.rmtree(srcdir_temp) if excludefiles: shutil.copytree( srcdir, srcdir_temp, ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns(*excludefiles), ) else: shutil.copytree(srcdir, srcdir_temp) # get a list of source files in srcdir_temp to include srcfiles = _get_srcfiles(srcdir_temp, include_subdirs) # copy files from a specified common source directory if # commonsrc is not None if commonsrc is not None: if not inplace: src = os.path.relpath(commonsrc, os.getcwd()) dst = os.path.join( srcdir_temp, os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(commonsrc)) ) if excludefiles: shutil.copytree( src, dst, ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns(*excludefiles), ) else: shutil.copytree(src, dst) else: dst = os.path.relpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.abspath(commonsrc))) srcfiles += _get_srcfiles(dst, include_subdirs) # if extrafiles is not None, then it is a text file with a list of # additional source files that need to be copied into srctemp and # compiled. files = _get_extra_exclude_files(extrafiles) if files is None: files = [] for fpth in files: if not os.path.isfile(fpth): # check if fpp file has been replaced by a free format file if fpth.endswith(".fpp"): fpth2 = fpth.replace(".fpp", ".f90") if os.path.isfile(fpth): fpth = fpth2 else: msg = f"Current working directory: {os.getcwd()}\n" msg += f"Error in extrafiles: {extrafiles}\n" msg += f"Could not find file: {fpth}" raise FileNotFoundError(msg) if inplace: dst = os.path.normpath(os.path.relpath(fpth, os.getcwd())) else: dst = os.path.join(srcdir_temp, os.path.basename(fpth)) if os.path.isfile(dst): raise ValueError( "Error with extrafile. Name conflicts with " f"an existing source file: {dst}" ) if not inplace: shutil.copy(fpth, dst) # add extrafiles to srcfiles srcfiles.append(dst) # remove exclude files from srcfiles list if excludefiles: remove_list = [] for fpth in srcfiles: if os.path.basename(fpth) in excludefiles: remove_list.append(fpth) for fpth in remove_list: srcfiles.remove(fpth) # if they don't exist and not compiling with meson, # create directories for objects and module (*.mod) files. if not meson: if not os.path.exists(objdir_temp): os.makedirs(objdir_temp) if not os.path.exists(moddir_temp): os.makedirs(moddir_temp) return srcfiles
[docs]def get_temporary_directories(appdir=None, target=None): """Get paths to temporary object, module, and source files Parameters ---------- appdir : str path for executable target : str target name to be appended to the temporary directories. Default is None Returns ------- obj_temp : str path to temporary object files mod_temp : str path to temporary module files src_temp : str path to temporary source files """ if appdir is None: base_pth = "." else: base_pth = appdir if target is None: target = "temp" return ( os.path.join(base_pth, f"obj_{target}"), os.path.join(base_pth, f"mod_{target}"), os.path.join(base_pth, f"src_{target}"), )
def _clean_temp_files( target, intelwin, inplace, objdir_temp, moddir_temp, srcdir_temp, meson, mesondir, verbose=False, ): """Cleanup intermediate files. Remove mod and object files, and remove the temporary source directory. Parameters ---------- target : str path for executable to create intelwin : bool boolean indicating if pymake was used to compile source code on Windows using Intel compilers inplace : bool boolean indicating that the source files in srcdir, srcdir2, and defined in extrafiles will be used directly. If inplace is True, source files will be copied to a directory named srcdir_temp. (default is False) objdir_temp : str path for temporary directory that will contain the object files. moddir_temp : str path for temporary directory that will contain the module files. srcdir_temp : str path for directory that will contain the source files. If srcdir_temp is the same as srcdir then the original source files will be used. meson : bool boolean indicating that the executable should be built using the meson build system. (default is False) mesondir : str Main file path verbose : bool boolean indicating if output will be printed to the terminal Returns ------- None """ # set object extension if intelwin: objext = ".obj" else: objext = ".o" # clean things up if verbose: print("\nCleaning up temporary source, object, and module files...") filelist = os.listdir(".") delext = [".mod", objext] for f in filelist: for ext in delext: if f.endswith(ext): if verbose: print(f" removing...{f}") os.remove(f) # shared object intermediate files if verbose: print("\nCleaning up intermediate shared object files...") delext = [".exp", ".lib"] dpth = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(target)) for f in os.listdir(dpth): fpth = os.path.join(dpth, f) for ext in delext: if fpth.endswith(ext): if verbose: print(f" removing...'{fpth}'") os.remove(fpth) # remove temporary directories if verbose: msg = ( "\nCleaning up temporary source, object, " + "and module directories..." ) print(msg) if not inplace: if os.path.isdir(srcdir_temp): if verbose: print(f"removing...'{srcdir_temp}'") shutil.rmtree(srcdir_temp) if os.path.isdir(objdir_temp): if verbose: print(f"removing...'{objdir_temp}'") shutil.rmtree(objdir_temp) if os.path.isdir(moddir_temp): if verbose: print(f"removing...'{moddir_temp}'") shutil.rmtree(moddir_temp) if meson: meson_builddir = os.path.join(mesondir, "_build") if os.path.isdir(meson_builddir): if verbose: print(f"removing...'{meson_builddir}'") shutil.rmtree(meson_builddir) main_meson_file = os.path.join(mesondir, "") if os.path.isfile(main_meson_file): if verbose: print(f"removing...'{main_meson_file}'") os.remove(main_meson_file) # remove the windows batchfile batch_file = "compile.bat" if intelwin and os.path.isfile(batch_file): os.remove(batch_file) return def _create_openspec(srcfiles, verbose): """Create new, FILESPEC.INC, and files that uses STREAM ACCESS. This is specific to MODFLOW and MT3D based targets. Source directories are scanned and files defining file access are replaced. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- None """ # list of files to replace files = ["", ""] # build list of directory paths from srcfiles dpths = [] for fpth in srcfiles: dpth = os.path.dirname(fpth) if dpth not in dpths: dpths.append(dpth) # replace files in directory paths if they exist for dpth in dpths: for file in files: fpth = os.path.join(dpth, file) if os.path.isfile(fpth): if verbose: print(f'replacing..."{fpth}"') f = open(fpth, "w") line = ( "c -- created by\n" + " CHARACTER*20 ACCESS,FORM,ACTION(2)\n" + " DATA ACCESS/'STREAM'/\n" + " DATA FORM/'UNFORMATTED'/\n" + " DATA (ACTION(I),I=1,2)/'READ','READWRITE'/\n" + "c -- end of include file\n" ) f.write(line) f.close() return def _check_out_of_date(srcfile, objfile): """Check if existing object files are current with the existing source files. Parameters ---------- srcfile : str source file path objfile : str object file path Returns ------- stale : bool boolean indicating if the object file is current """ stale = True if os.path.exists(objfile): t1 = os.path.getmtime(objfile) t2 = os.path.getmtime(srcfile) if t1 > t2: stale = False return stale def _pymake_compile( srcfiles, target, fc, cc, expedite, dryrun, double, debug, fflags, cflags, syslibs, arch, intelwin, sharedobject, verbose, ): """Standard compile method. Parameters ------- srcfiles : list list of source file names target : str path for executable to create fc : str fortran compiler cc : str c or cpp compiler expedite : bool boolean indicating if only out of date source files will be compiled. Clean must not have been used on previous build. dryrun : bool boolean indicating if source files should be compiled. Files will be deleted, if makeclean is True. double : bool boolean indicating a compiler switch will be used to create an executable with double precision real variables. debug : bool boolean indicating is a debug executable will be built fflags : list user provided list of fortran compiler flags cflags : list user provided list of c or cpp compiler flags syslibs : list user provided syslibs arch : str architecture to use for Intel Compilers on Windows (default is intel64) intelwin : bool boolean indicating if pymake was used to compile source code on Windows using Intel compilers sharedobject : bool boolean indicating a shared object will be built verbose : bool boolean indicating if output will be printed to the terminal Returns ------- returncode : int returncode """ # write pymake setting if verbose: msg = f"\nPymake settings in {_pymake_compile.__name__}\n" + 40 * "-" print(msg) frame = inspect.currentframe() fnargs, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(frame) for arg in fnargs: value = values[arg] if not value: value = "None" elif isinstance(value, list): value = ", ".join(value) print(f" {arg}={value}") # initialize returncode returncode = 0 # initialize ilink ilink = 0 # get temporary object and module directories objdir_temp, moddir_temp, _ = get_temporary_directories( os.path.dirname(target), target=pl.Path(target).stem, ) # set optimization levels optlevel = _get_optlevel( target, fc, cc, debug, fflags, cflags, verbose=verbose ) # get fortran and c compiler switches tfflags = _get_fortran_flags( target, fc, fflags, debug, double, sharedobject=sharedobject, verbose=verbose, ) tcflags = _get_c_flags( target, cc, cflags, debug, srcfiles, sharedobject=sharedobject, verbose=verbose, ) # get linker flags and syslibs lc, tlflags = _get_linker_flags( target, fc, cc, syslibs, srcfiles, sharedobject=sharedobject, verbose=verbose, ) # clean exe prior to build so that test for exe below can return a # non-zero error code if os.path.isfile(target): if verbose: msg = f"removing existing target with same name: {target}" print(msg) os.remove(target) if intelwin: # update compiler names if necessary ext = ".exe" if fc is not None: if ext not in fc: fc += ext if cc is not None: if ext not in cc: cc += ext if ext not in lc: lc += ext # update target extension if sharedobject: program_path, ext = os.path.splitext(target) if ext.lower() != ".dll": target = program_path + ".dll" else: if ext not in target: target += ext # delete the batch file if it exists batchfile = "compile.bat" if os.path.isfile(batchfile): try: os.remove(batchfile) except: if verbose: print(f"could not remove '{batchfile}'") # Create target using a batch file on Windows try: _create_win_batch( batchfile, fc, cc, lc, optlevel, tfflags, tcflags, tlflags, objdir_temp, moddir_temp, srcfiles, target, arch, sharedobject, ) # build the command list for the Windows batch file cmdlists = [ batchfile, ] except: errmsg = f"Could not make x64 target: {target}\n" errmsg += traceback.print_exc() print(errmsg) else: if sharedobject: program_path, ext = os.path.splitext(target) if _get_osname() == "win32": if ext.lower() != ".dll": target = program_path + ".dll" elif _get_osname() == "darwin": if ext.lower() != ".dylib": target = program_path + ".dylib" else: if ext.lower() != ".so": target = program_path + ".so" # initialize the commands and object files list cmdlists = [] objfiles = [] # assume that header files may be in other folders, so make a list searchdir = [] for f in srcfiles: dirname = os.path.dirname(f) if dirname not in searchdir: searchdir.append(dirname) # build the command for each source file and add to the # list of commands for srcfile in srcfiles: cmdlist = [] iscfile = False ext = os.path.splitext(srcfile)[1].lower() if ext in [".c", ".cpp"]: # mja iscfile = True cmdlist.append(cc) # mja cmdlist.append(optlevel) for switch in tcflags: # mja cmdlist.append(switch) # mja else: # mja # build command list cmdlist.append(fc) cmdlist.append(optlevel) for switch in tfflags: cmdlist.append(switch) # add preprocessor option, if necessary if _preprocess_file(srcfile): if os.path.basename(fc) == "gfortran": pp_tag = "-cpp" else: pp_tag = "-fpp" cmdlist.append(pp_tag) # add search path for any c and c++ header files if iscfile: for sd in searchdir: cmdlist.append(f"-I{sd}") # put object files and module files in objdir_temp and moddir_temp else: cmdlist.append(f"-I{objdir_temp}") if fc in ["ifort", "mpiifort"]: cmdlist.append("-module") cmdlist.append(moddir_temp + "/") else: cmdlist.append(f"-J{moddir_temp}") cmdlist.append("-c") cmdlist.append(srcfile) # object file name and location srcname, srcext = os.path.splitext(srcfile) srcname = srcname.split(os.path.sep)[-1] objfile = os.path.join(objdir_temp, srcname + ".o") cmdlist.append("-o") cmdlist.append(objfile) # Save the name of the object file for linker objfiles.append(objfile) # If expedited, then check if object file is out of date, if it # exists. No need to compile if object file is newer. compilefile = True if expedite: if not _check_out_of_date(srcfile, objfile): compilefile = False if compilefile: cmdlists.append(cmdlist) # Build the link command and then link to create the executable ilink = len(cmdlists) if ilink > 0: cmdlist = [lc, optlevel] cmdlist.append("-o") cmdlist.append(target) for objfile in objfiles: cmdlist.append(objfile) # linker switches for switch in tlflags: cmdlist.append(switch) # add linker command to the commands list cmdlists.append(cmdlist) # execute each command in cmdlists if not dryrun: for idx, cmdlist in enumerate(cmdlists): if idx == 0: if intelwin: msg = ( f"\nCompiling '{os.path.basename(target)}' " + "for Windows using Intel compilers..." ) else: msg = ( "\nCompiling object files for " + f"'{os.path.basename(target)}'" ) print(msg) if idx > 0 and idx == ilink: msg = ( "\nLinking object files " + f"to make '{os.path.basename(target)}'..." ) print(msg) # write the command to the terminal _process_Popen_command(False, cmdlist) # run the command using Popen proc = _process_Popen_initialize(cmdlist, intelwin) # write batch file execution to terminal if intelwin: _process_Popen_stdout(proc) # establish communicator to report errors else: _process_Popen_communicate(proc) # evaluate return code returncode = proc.returncode if returncode != 0: msg = f"compilation failed on '{' '.join(cmdlist)}'" print(msg) break # print blank line separator after all commands in cmdlist are executed print("") # return return returncode def _create_win_batch( batchfile, fc, cc, lc, optlevel, fflags, cflags, lflags, objdir_temp, moddir_temp, srcfiles, target, arch, sharedobject, ): """Make an intel compiler batch file for compiling on windows. Parameters ------- batchfile : str batch file name to create fc : str fortran compiler cc : str c or cpp compiler lc : str compiler to use for linking optlevel : str compiler optimization switch fflags : list user provided list of fortran compiler flags cflags : list user provided list of c or cpp compiler flags lflags : list linker compiler flags, which are a combination of user provided list of compiler flags for the compiler to used for linking objdir_temp : str path for temporary directory that will contain the object files. moddir_temp : str path for temporary directory that will contain the module files. srcfiles : list list of source file names target : str path for executable to create arch : str architecture to use for Intel Compilers on Windows (default is intel64) Returns ------- """ # determine intel version intel_setvars = None # oneAPI oneapi_list = ("LATEST_VERSION", "ONEAPI_ROOT") for on_env_var in oneapi_list: latest_version = os.environ.get(on_env_var) if latest_version is not None: if on_env_var == oneapi_list[0]: cpvars = ( "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\oneAPI\\compiler\\" + f"{latest_version}\\env\\vars.bat" ) else: cpvars = ( "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\oneAPI\\" + "setvars.bat" ) if not os.path.isfile(cpvars): raise Exception(f"Could not find cpvars: {cpvars}") intel_setvars = f'"{cpvars}"' break # stand alone intel installation if intel_setvars is None: iflist = [f"IFORT_COMPILER{i}" for i in range(30, 12, -1)] for ift in iflist: stand_alone_intel = os.environ.get(ift) if stand_alone_intel is not None: cpvars = os.path.join( stand_alone_intel, "bin", "compilervars.bat" ) if not os.path.isfile(cpvars): raise Exception(f"Could not find cpvars: {cpvars}") intel_setvars = '"' + os.path.normpath(cpvars) + '" ' + arch break # check if either OneAPI or stand alone intel is installed if intel_setvars is None: err_msg = ( "OneAPI or stand alone version of Intel compilers " + "is not installed" ) raise ValueError(err_msg) # open the batch file f = open(batchfile, "w") # only write the compilervars batch command to batchfile if env vars aren't already configured # if os.environ.get("SETVARS_COMPLETED") != "1": line = "call " + intel_setvars + "\n" f.write(line) # assume that header files may be in other folders, so make a list searchdir = [] for s in srcfiles: dirname = os.path.dirname(s) if dirname not in searchdir: searchdir.append(dirname) # write commands to build object files line = ( "echo Creating object files to create '" + os.path.basename(target) + "'\n" ) f.write(line) for srcfile in srcfiles: if srcfile.endswith(".c") or srcfile.endswith(".cpp"): cmd = cc + " " + optlevel + " " for switch in cflags: cmd += switch + " " cmd += "/c" + " " # add search path for any header files for sd in searchdir: cmd += f"/I{sd} " obj = os.path.join( objdir_temp, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(srcfile))[0] + ".obj", ) cmd += "/Fo:" + obj + " " cmd += srcfile else: cmd = fc + " " + optlevel + " " for switch in fflags: cmd += switch + " " # add preprocessor option, if necessary if _preprocess_file(srcfile): cmd += "/fpp" + " " cmd += "/c" + " " cmd += f"/module:{moddir_temp}\\ " cmd += f"/object:{objdir_temp}\\ " cmd += srcfile f.write(f"echo {cmd}\n") f.write(cmd + "\n") # write commands to link line = ( "echo Linking object files to create '" + os.path.basename(target) + "'\n" ) f.write(line) # assemble the link command cmd = lc + " " + optlevel cmd += " " + "-o" + " " + target + " " + objdir_temp + "\\*.obj" for switch in lflags: cmd += " " + switch cmd += "\n" f.write(f"echo {cmd}\n") f.write(cmd) # close the batch file f.close() return def _create_makefile( target, srcdir, srcdir2, extrafiles, srcfiles, debug, double, fc, cc, fflags, cflags, syslibs, sharedobject, makefiledir, verbose, makedefaults="makedefaults", ): """ Parameters ---------- target : str path for executable to create srcdir : str path for directory containing source files srcdir2 : str additional directory with common source files. extrafiles : str path for extrafiles file that contains paths to additional source files to include srcfiles : list ordered list of source files to include in the makefile debug : bool boolean indicating is a debug executable will be built double : bool boolean indicating a compiler switch will be used to create an executable with double precision real variables. fc : str fortran compiler cc : str c or cpp compiler fflags : list user provided list of fortran compiler flags cflags : list user provided list of c or cpp compiler flags syslibs : list user provided syslibs sharedobject : bool boolean indicating a shared object will be built makefiledir : str GNU make makefile path verbose : bool boolean indicating if output will be printed to the terminal makedefaults : str name of the makedefaults file to create with makefile (default is makedefaults) Returns ------- """ # write a message if verbose: msg = f"\nWriting makefile and {makedefaults}" print(msg) # set executable extension if sharedobject: win_ext = ".dll" macos_ext = ".dylib" linux_ext = ".so" else: win_ext = ".exe" macos_ext = "" linux_ext = "" # set makefile directory make_dir = makefiledir # get temporary directories objdir_temp, moddir_temp, _ = get_temporary_directories(make_dir) # set object extension objext = ".o" # get list of unique fortran and c/c++ file extensions fext = _get_fortran_files(srcfiles, extensions=True) cext = _get_c_files(srcfiles, extensions=True) # determine if the fortran file should be preprocessed if fext is None: preprocess = False else: preprocess = _preprocess_file(_get_fortran_files(srcfiles)) # set exe_name exe_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(target))[0] # build heading heading = ( f"# makefile created by pymake (version {__version__}) " f"for the '{exe_name}' executable.\n" ) # open makefile f = open(os.path.join(make_dir, "makefile"), "w") # write header f.write(heading + "\n") # write include file line = f"\ninclude ./{makedefaults}\n\n" f.write(line) # determine the directories with source files # source files in sdir and sdir2 dirs = [d[0].replace("\\", "/") for d in os.walk(srcdir)] if srcdir2 is not None: dirs2 = [d[0].replace("\\", "/") for d in os.walk(srcdir2)] dirs = dirs + dirs2 # source files in extrafiles files = _get_extra_exclude_files(extrafiles) if files is not None: for ef in files: fdir = os.path.dirname(ef) rdir = os.path.relpath(fdir, os.getcwd()) rdir = rdir.replace("\\", "/") if rdir not in dirs: dirs.append(rdir) # write directories with source files and create vpath data line = "# Define the source file directories\n" f.write(line) vpaths = [] for idx, source_dir in enumerate(dirs): rel_source_dir = os.path.relpath(source_dir, make_dir) vpaths.append(f"SOURCEDIR{idx + 1}") line = f"{vpaths[idx]}={rel_source_dir}\n" f.write(line) f.write("\n") # write vpath f.write("VPATH = \\\n") for idx, sd in enumerate(vpaths): f.write("${" + f"{sd}" + "} ") if idx + 1 < len(vpaths): f.write("\\") f.write("\n") f.write("\n") # write file extensions line = ".SUFFIXES: " if fext is not None: for ext in fext: line += f"{ext} " if cext is not None: for ext in cext: line += f"{ext} " line += objext f.write(f"{line}\n") f.write("\n") f.write("OBJECTS = \\\n") for idx, srcfile in enumerate(srcfiles): objpth = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(srcfile))[0] + objext f.write(f"$(OBJDIR)/{objpth}") if idx + 1 < len(srcfiles): f.write(" \\") f.write("\n") f.write("\n") f.write("# Define the objects that make up the program\n") f.write("$(PROGRAM) : $(OBJECTS)\n") if fext is None: line = "\t-$(CC) $(OPTLEVEL) -o $@ $(OBJECTS) $(LDFLAGS)\n" else: line = "\t-$(FC) $(OPTLEVEL) -o $@ $(OBJECTS) $(LDFLAGS)\n" f.write(f"{line}\n") if fext is not None: for ext in fext: f.write(f"$(OBJDIR)/%{objext} : %{ext}\n") f.write("\t@mkdir -p $(@D)\n") line = ( "\t$(FC) $(OPTLEVEL) $(FFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ " + "$(INCSWITCH) $(MODSWITCH)\n" ) f.write(f"{line}\n") if cext is not None: for ext in cext: f.write(f"$(OBJDIR)/%{objext} : %{ext}\n") f.write("\t@mkdir -p $(@D)\n") line = ( "\t$(CC) $(OPTLEVEL) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ " + "$(INCSWITCH)\n" ) f.write(f"{line}\n") # close the makefile f.close() # open makedefaults f = open(os.path.join(make_dir, makedefaults), "w") # replace makefile in heading with makedefaults heading = heading.replace("makefile", makedefaults) # write header f.write(heading + "\n") # write OS evaluation line = "# determine OS\n" line += "ifeq ($(OS), Windows_NT)\n" line += "\tdetected_OS = Windows\n" line += "\tOS_macro = -D_WIN32\n" line += "else\n" line += ( "\tdetected_OS = $(shell sh -c 'uname 2>/dev/null " + "|| echo Unknown')\n" ) line += "\tifeq ($(detected_OS), Darwin)\n" line += "\t\tOS_macro = -D__APPLE__\n" line += "\telse\n" line += "\t\tOS_macro = -D__LINUX__\n" line += "\tendif\n" line += "endif\n\n" f.write(line) # get path to executable dpth = os.path.dirname(target) if len(dpth) > 0: dpth = os.path.relpath(dpth, make_dir) else: dpth = "." # write header line = ( "# Define the directories for the object and module files\n" + "# and the executable and its path.\n" ) tpth = dpth.replace("\\", "/") line += f"BINDIR = {tpth}\n" tpth = os.path.relpath(objdir_temp.replace("\\", "/"), make_dir) line += f"OBJDIR = {tpth}\n" tpth = os.path.relpath(moddir_temp.replace("\\", "/"), make_dir) line += f"MODDIR = {tpth}\n" line += "INCSWITCH = -I $(OBJDIR)\n" line += "MODSWITCH = -J $(MODDIR)\n\n" f.write(line) line = "# define os dependent program name\n" line += "ifeq ($(detected_OS), Windows)\n" line += f"\tPROGRAM = $(BINDIR)/{exe_name}{win_ext}\n" line += "else ifeq ($(detected_OS), Darwin)\n" line += f"\tPROGRAM = $(BINDIR)/{exe_name}{macos_ext}\n" line += "else\n" line += f"\tPROGRAM = $(BINDIR)/{exe_name}{linux_ext}\n" line += "endif\n\n" f.write(line) # reassign compilers if the defined compilers do not exist line = "# use GNU compilers if defined compilers do not exist\n" line += "ifeq ($(detected_OS), Windows)\n" line += "\tWHICH = where\n" line += "else\n" line += "\tWHICH = which\n" line += "endif\n" if fext is not None: line += "ifeq (, $(shell $(WHICH) $(FC)))\n" line += "\tFC = gfortran\n" line += "endif\n" if cext is not None: line += "ifeq (, $(shell $(WHICH) $(CC)))\n" line += "\tCC = gcc\n" line += "endif\n" line += "\n" f.write(line) # set gfortran as fortran compiler if it is f77 if fext is not None: line = "# set fortran compiler to gfortran if it is f77\n" line += "ifeq ($(FC), f77)\n" line += "\tFC = gfortran\n" line += "\t# set c compiler to gcc if not passed on the command line\n" line += '\tifneq ($(origin CC), "command line")\n' line += "\t\tifneq ($(CC), gcc)\n" line += "\t\t\tCC = gcc\n" line += "\t\tendif\n" line += "\tendif\n" line += "endif\n\n" f.write(line) else: line = "# set cc compiler to gcc if it is cc\n" line += "ifeq ($(CC), cc)\n" line += "\tCC = gcc\n" line += "endif\n\n" f.write(line) # optimization level optlevel = _get_optlevel( target, fc, cc, debug, fflags, cflags, verbose=verbose ) line = "# set the optimization level (OPTLEVEL) if not defined\n" line += f"OPTLEVEL ?= {optlevel.replace('/', '-')}\n\n" f.write(line) # fortran flags if fext is not None: # remove existing os_macro for machine OS from fflags prior to # adding os_macro for specific OS tag = "-" + _get_os_macro() if tag in fflags: fflags.remove(tag) # build fortran flags for each os line = "# set the fortran flags\n" line += "ifeq ($(detected_OS), Windows)\n" line += "\tifeq ($(FC), gfortran)\n" tfflags = _get_fortran_flags( target, "gfortran", [], debug, double, osname="win32", sharedobject=sharedobject, verbose=verbose, ) for idx, flag in enumerate(tfflags): if "-D_" in flag: tfflags[idx] = "$(OS_macro)" if preprocess: tfflags.append("-cpp") line += f"\t\tFFLAGS ?= {' '.join(tfflags)}\n" line += "\tendif\n" line += "else\n" line += "\tifeq ($(FC), gfortran)\n" tfflags = _get_fortran_flags( target, "gfortran", [], debug, double, osname="linux", sharedobject=sharedobject, verbose=verbose, ) for idx, flag in enumerate(tfflags): if "-D__" in flag: tfflags[idx] = "$(OS_macro)" if preprocess: tfflags.append("-cpp") line += f"\t\tFFLAGS ?= {' '.join(tfflags)}\n" line += "\tendif\n" line += "\tifeq ($(FC), $(filter $(FC), ifort mpiifort))\n" tfflags = _get_fortran_flags( target, "ifort", [], debug, double, osname="linux", sharedobject=sharedobject, verbose=verbose, ) for idx, flag in enumerate(tfflags): if "-D__" in flag: tfflags[idx] = "$(OS_macro)" if preprocess: tfflags.append("-fpp") line += f"\t\tFFLAGS ?= {' '.join(tfflags)}\n" line += "\t\tMODSWITCH = -module $(MODDIR)\n" line += "\tendif\n" line += "\tifeq ($(FC), $(filter $(FC), ftn))\n" tfflags = _get_fortran_flags( target, "ftn", [], debug, double, osname="linux", sharedobject=sharedobject, verbose=verbose, ) for idx, flag in enumerate(tfflags): if "-D__" in flag: tfflags[idx] = "$(OS_macro)" line += f"\t\tFFLAGS ?= {' '.join(tfflags)}\n" line += "\tendif\n" line += "endif\n\n" f.write(line) # c/c++ flags if cext is not None: line = "# set the c/c++ flags\n" line += "ifeq ($(detected_OS), Windows)\n" line += "\tifeq ($(CC), $(filter $(CC), gcc g++))\n" tcflags = _get_c_flags( target, "gcc", fflags, debug, srcfiles, osname="win32", sharedobject=sharedobject, verbose=verbose, ) line += f"\t\tCFLAGS ?= {' '.join(tcflags)}\n" line += "\tendif\n" line += "\tifeq ($(CC), $(filter $(CC), clang clang++))\n" tcflags = _get_c_flags( target, "clang", fflags, debug, srcfiles, osname="win32", sharedobject=sharedobject, verbose=verbose, ) line += f"\t\tCFLAGS ?= {' '.join(tcflags)}\n" line += "\tendif\n" line += "else\n" line += "\tifeq ($(CC), $(filter $(CC), gcc g++))\n" tcflags = _get_c_flags( target, "gcc", fflags, debug, srcfiles, osname="linux", sharedobject=sharedobject, verbose=verbose, ) line += f"\t\tCFLAGS ?= {' '.join(tcflags)}\n" line += "\tendif\n" line += "\tifeq ($(CC), $(filter $(CC), clang clang++))\n" tcflags = _get_c_flags( target, "clang", fflags, debug, srcfiles, osname="linux", sharedobject=sharedobject, verbose=verbose, ) line += f"\t\tCFLAGS ?= {' '.join(tcflags)}\n" line += "\tendif\n" line += "\tifeq ($(CC), $(filter $(CC), icc mpiicc icpc))\n" tcflags = _get_c_flags( target, "icc", fflags, debug, srcfiles, osname="linux", sharedobject=sharedobject, verbose=verbose, ) line += f"\t\tCFLAGS ?= {' '.join(tcflags)}\n" line += "\tendif\n" line += "endif\n\n" f.write(line) # syslibs line = "# set the ldflgs\n" # windows - gfortran only line += "ifeq ($(detected_OS), Windows)\n" # c/c++ compiler used for linking if fext is None: _, tsyslibs = _get_linker_flags( target, None, "gcc", [], srcfiles, osname="win32", sharedobject=sharedobject, verbose=verbose, ) line += "\tifeq ($(CC), $(filter $(CC), gcc g++))\n" line += f"\t\tLDFLAGS ?= {' '.join(tsyslibs)}\n" line += "\tendif\n" _, tsyslibs = _get_linker_flags( target, None, "clang", [], srcfiles, osname="win32", sharedobject=sharedobject, verbose=verbose, ) line += "\tifeq ($(CC), $(filter $(CC), clang clang++))\n" line += f"\t\tLDFLAGS ?= {' '.join(tsyslibs)}\n" line += "\tendif\n" # fortran compiler used for linking else: _, tsyslibs = _get_linker_flags( target, "gfortran", "gcc", [], srcfiles, osname="win32", sharedobject=sharedobject, verbose=verbose, ) line += "\tifeq ($(FC), $(filter $(FC), gfortran))\n" line += f"\t\tLDFLAGS ?= {' '.join(tsyslibs)}\n" line += "\tendif\n" # linux and osx line += "else\n" # c/c++ compiler used for linking if fext is None: _, tsyslibs = _get_linker_flags( target, None, "gcc", [], srcfiles, osname="linux", sharedobject=sharedobject, verbose=verbose, ) line += "\tifeq ($(CC), $(filter $(CC), gcc g++))\n" line += f"\t\tLDFLAGS ?= {' '.join(tsyslibs)}\n" line += "\tendif\n" _, tsyslibs = _get_linker_flags( target, None, "clang", [], srcfiles, osname="linux", sharedobject=sharedobject, verbose=verbose, ) line += "\tifeq ($(CC), $(filter $(CC), clang clang++))\n" line += f"\t\tLDFLAGS ?= {' '.join(tsyslibs)}\n" line += "\tendif\n" # fortran compiler used for linking else: # gfortran compiler line += "\tifeq ($(FC), gfortran)\n" _, tsyslibs = _get_linker_flags( target, "gfortran", "gcc", [], srcfiles, osname="linux", sharedobject=sharedobject, verbose=verbose, ) line += f"\t\tLDFLAGS ?= {' '.join(tsyslibs)}\n" line += "\tendif\n" # ifort compiler line += "\tifeq ($(FC), $(filter $(FC), ifort mpiifort))\n" _, tsyslibs = _get_linker_flags( target, "ifort", "icc", [], srcfiles, osname="linux", sharedobject=sharedobject, verbose=verbose, ) line += f"\t\tLDFLAGS ?= {' '.join(tsyslibs)}\n" line += "\tendif\n" # ftn compiler line += "\tifeq ($(FC), $(filter $(FC), ftn))\n" _, tsyslibs = _get_linker_flags( target, "ftn", "clang", [], srcfiles, osname="linux", sharedobject=sharedobject, verbose=verbose, ) line += f"\t\tLDFLAGS ?= {' '.join(tsyslibs)}\n" line += "\tendif\n" line += "endif\n\n" f.write(line) # check for windows error condition line = "# check for Windows error condition\n" line += "ifeq ($(detected_OS), Windows)\n" if fext is not None: line += "\tifeq ($(FC), $(filter $(FC), ifort mpiifort))\n" line += "\t\tWINDOWSERROR = $(FC)\n" line += "\tendif\n" if cext is not None: line += "\tifeq ($(CC), $(filter $(CC), icl))\n" line += "\t\tWINDOWSERROR = $(CC)\n" line += "\tendif\n" line += "endif\n\n" f.write(line) # task functions line = "# Define task functions\n" line += "# Create the bin directory and compile and link the program\n" line += "all: windowscheck makedirs | $(PROGRAM)\n\n" line += "# test for windows error\n" line += "windowscheck:\n" line += "ifdef WINDOWSERROR\n" line += "\t$(error cannot use makefile on windows with $(WINDOWSERROR))\n" line += "endif\n\n" line += "# Make the bin directory for the executable\n" line += "makedirs:\n" line += "\tmkdir -p $(BINDIR)\n" line += "\tmkdir -p $(MODDIR)\n\n" line += "# Write selected compiler settings\n" line += ".PHONY: settings\n" line += "settings:\n" line += '\t@echo "Optimization level: $(OPTLEVEL)"\n' if fext is not None: line += '\t@echo "Fortran compiler: $(FC)"\n' line += '\t@echo "Fortran flags: $(FFLAGS)"\n' if cext is not None: line += '\t@echo "C compiler: $(CC)"\n' line += '\t@echo "C flags: $(CFLAGS)"\n' if fext is None: line += '\t@echo "Linker: $(CC)"\n' else: line += '\t@echo "Linker: $(FC)"\n' line += '\t@echo "SYSLIBS: $(LDFLAGS)"\n\n' line += "# Clean the object and module files and the executable\n" line += ".PHONY: clean\n" line += "clean:\n" line += "\t-rm -rf $(OBJDIR)\n" line += "\t-rm -rf $(MODDIR)\n" line += "\t-rm -rf $(PROGRAM)\n\n" line += "# Clean the object and module files\n" line += ".PHONY: cleanobj\n" line += "cleanobj:\n" line += "\t-rm -rf $(OBJDIR)\n" line += "\t-rm -rf $(MODDIR)\n\n" f.write(line) # close the makedefaults f.close() # replace windows line endings if sys.platform == "win32": windows_line_ending = b"\r\n" unix_line_ending = b"\n" for file in ( os.path.join(make_dir, "makefile"), os.path.join(make_dir, makedefaults), ): with open(file, "rb") as f: content = # replace windows line endings content = content.replace(windows_line_ending, unix_line_ending) # rewrite the file with open(file, "wb") as f: f.write(content) return