Source code for pymake.utils.usgsprograms

"""Utility functions to extract information for a target from the USGS
application database. Available functionality includes:

1. Get a list of available targets
2. Get data for a specific target
3. Get a dictionary with the data for all targets
4. Get the current version of a target
5. Get a list indicating if single and double precsion versions of the
   target application should be built
6. Functions to load, update, and export a USGS-style "code.json" json file
   containing information in the USGS application database

A table listing the available pymake targets is included below:

.. csv-table:: Available pymake targets
   :file: ./usgsprograms.txt
   :widths: 10, 10, 10, 20, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
   :header-rows: 1


import datetime
import json
import os
import pathlib as pl
import sys

from .download import _request_header

[docs] class dotdict(dict): """dot.notation access to dictionary attributes.""" __getattr__ = dict.get __setattr__ = dict.__setitem__ __delattr__ = dict.__delitem__
# data file containing the USGS program data program_data_file = "usgsprograms.txt" # keys to create for each target target_keys = ( "version", "current", "url", "dirname", "srcdir", "standard_switch", "double_switch", "shared_object", "url_download_asset_date", ) def _str_to_bool(s): """Convert "True" and "False" strings to a boolean. Parameters ---------- s : str String representation of boolean Returns ------- """ if s == "True": return True elif s == "False": return False else: msg = f'Invalid string passed - "{s}"' raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] class usgs_program_data: """USGS program database class.""" def __init__(self): """USGS program database init.""" self._program_dict = self._build_usgs_database() def _build_usgs_database(self): """Build the USGS program database. Returns ------- """ # pth = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(pymake.__file__)) pth = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) fpth = os.path.join(pth, program_data_file) url_in = open(fpth, "r").read().split("\n") program_data = {} for line in url_in[1:]: # skip blank lines if len(line.strip()) < 1: continue # parse comma separated line t = [item.strip() for item in line.split(sep=",")] # programmatically build a dictionary for each target d = {} for idx, key in enumerate(target_keys): if key in ("url_download_asset_date",): value = None else: value = t[idx + 1] if key in ( "current", "standard_switch", "double_switch", "shared_object", ): value = _str_to_bool(value) d[key] = value # make it possible to access each key with a dot (.) d = dotdict(d) program_data[t[0]] = d return dotdict(program_data) def _target_data(self, key): """Get the dictionary for the target key. Parameters ---------- key : str Program key (name) Returns ------- return : dict dictionary with attributes for program key (name) """ if key not in self._program_dict: msg = f'"{key}" key does not exist. Available keys: ' for idx, k in enumerate(self._program_dict.keys()): if idx > 0: msg += ", " msg += f'"{k}"' raise KeyError(msg) return self._program_dict[key] def _target_keys(self, current=False): """Get the target keys. Parameters ---------- current : bool boolean indicating if only current program versions should be returned. (default is False) Returns ------- keys : list list containing program keys (names) """ if current: keys = [ key for key in self._program_dict.keys() if self._program_dict[key].current ] else: keys = list(self._program_dict.keys()) return keys
[docs] @staticmethod def get_target(key): """Get the dictionary for a specified target. Parameters ---------- key : str Target USGS program that may have a path and an extension Returns ------- program_dict : dict Dictionary with USGS program attributes for the specified key """ # remove path and extension from key key = os.path.basename(key) if ( key.endswith(".exe") or key.endswith(".dll") or key.endswith(".so") or key.endswith(".dylib") ): key = os.path.splitext(key)[0] # return program attributes return usgs_program_data()._target_data(key)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_keys(current=False): """Get target keys from the USGS program database. Parameters ---------- current : bool If False, all USGS program targets are listed. If True, only USGS program targets that are defined as current are listed. Default is False. Returns ------- keys : list list of USGS program targets """ return usgs_program_data()._target_keys(current=current)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_program_dict(): """Get the complete USGS program database. Returns ------- program_dict : dict Dictionary with USGS program attributes for all targets """ return usgs_program_data()._program_dict
[docs] @staticmethod def get_precision(key): """Get the dictionary for a specified target. Parameters ---------- key : str Target USGS program Returns ------- precision : list List """ target = usgs_program_data().get_target(key) precision = [] if target.standard_switch: precision.append(False) if target.double_switch: precision.append(True) return precision
[docs] @staticmethod def get_version(key): """Get the current version of the specified target. Parameters ---------- key : str Target USGS program Returns ------- version : str current version of the specified target """ target = usgs_program_data().get_target(key) return target.version
[docs] @staticmethod def list_targets(current=False): """Print a list of the available USGS program targets. Parameters ---------- current : bool If False, all USGS program targets are listed. If True, only USGS program targets that are defined as current are listed. Default is False. Returns ------- """ targets = usgs_program_data()._target_keys(current=current) targets.sort() msg = "Available targets:\n" for idx, target in enumerate(targets): msg += f" {idx + 1:02d} {target}\n" print(msg) return
[docs] @staticmethod def export_json( fpth="code.json", prog_data=None, current=False, update=True, write_markdown=False, verbose=False, ): """Export USGS program data as a json file. Parameters ---------- fpth : str Path for the json file to be created. Default is "code.json" prog_data : dict User-specified program database. If prog_data is None, it will be created from the USGS program database current : bool If False, all USGS program targets are listed. If True, only USGS program targets that are defined as current are listed. Default is False. update : bool If True, existing targets in the user-specified program database with values in the USGS program database. If False, existing targets in the user-specified program database will not be updated. Default is True. write_markdown : bool If True, write markdown file that includes the target name, version, and the last-modified date of the download asset (url). Default is False. verbose : bool boolean for verbose output to terminal Returns ------- """ # print a message sel = "all of the" if prog_data is not None: sel = "select" elif current: sel = "the current" print( f'writing a json file ("{fpth}") ' + f"of {sel} USGS programs\n" + f'in the "{program_data_file}" database.\n' ) if prog_data is not None: for idx, key in enumerate(prog_data.keys()): print(f" {idx + 1:>2d}: {key}") # process the passed file path into appdir and file_name appdir = pl.Path(".") file_name = pl.Path(fpth) if file_name.parent != str(appdir): appdir = file_name.parent file_name = else: for idx, argv in enumerate(sys.argv): if argv in ("--appdir", "-ad"): appdir = pl.Path(sys.argv[idx + 1]) if str(appdir) != ".": appdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # get usgs program data udata = usgs_program_data.get_program_dict() # process the program data if prog_data is None: if current: tdict = {} for key, value in udata.items(): if value.current: tdict[key] = value prog_data = tdict # replace existing keys in prog_data with values from # same key in usgs_program_data else: if update: ukeys = usgs_program_data.get_keys() pkeys = list(prog_data.keys()) for key in pkeys: if key in ukeys: prog_data[key] = udata[key] # update the date of each asset if standard code.json object for target, target_dict in prog_data.items(): if "url" in target_dict.keys(): url = target_dict["url"] header = _request_header(url, verbose=verbose) keys = list(header.headers.keys()) for key in ("Last-Modified", "Date"): if key in keys: url_date = header.headers[key] url_data_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime( url_date, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z" ) datetime_obj_utc = url_data_obj.replace( tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc ) datetime_str = datetime_obj_utc.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") prog_data[target][ "url_download_asset_date" ] = datetime_str break # export file try: with open(file_name, "w") as file_obj: json.dump(prog_data, file_obj, indent=4, sort_keys=True) except: msg = f'could not export json file "{file_name}"' raise IOError(msg) # write code.json if str(appdir) != ".": dst = appdir / file_name with open(dst, "w") as file_obj: json.dump(prog_data, file_obj, indent=4, sort_keys=True) # write if prog_data is not None and write_markdown: sorted_prog_data = { key: prog_data[key] for key in sorted(list(prog_data.keys())) } with open("", "w") as file_obj: line = "| Program | Version | UTC Date |" file_obj.write(line + "\n") line = "| ------- | ------- | ---- |" file_obj.write(line + "\n") for target, target_dict in sorted_prog_data.items(): keys = list(target_dict.keys()) line = f"| {target} | {target_dict['version']} |" date_key = "url_download_asset_date" if date_key in keys: line += f" {target_dict[date_key]} |" else: line += " |" line += "\n" file_obj.write(line) return
[docs] @staticmethod def load_json(fpth="code.json"): """Load an existing code json file. Basic error checking is done to make sure the file contains the correct keys. Parameters ---------- fpth : str Path for the json file to be created. Default is "code.json" Returns ------- json_dict : dict Valid USGS program database """ try: with open(fpth, "r") as f: json_dict = json.load(f) for key, value in json_dict.items(): json_dict[key] = dotdict(value) except: json_dict = None # check that the json file has valid keys msg = f'invalid json format in "{fpth}"' if json_dict is not None: for key, value in json_dict.items(): try: for kk in value.keys(): if kk not in target_keys: raise KeyError(msg + f' - key ("{kk}")') except: raise KeyError(msg) return json_dict
[docs] @staticmethod def list_json(fpth="code.json"): """List an existing code json file. Parameters ---------- fpth : str Path for the json file to be listed. Default is "code.json" Returns ------- """ json_dict = usgs_program_data.load_json(fpth) if json_dict is not None: print(f'Data in "{fpth}"') for key, value in json_dict.items(): print(f" target: {key}") for kkey, vvalue in value.items(): print(f" {kkey}: {vvalue}") else: msg = f'could not load json file "{fpth}".' raise IOError(msg) # print continuation line print("\n") return
[docs] @staticmethod def update_json(fpth="code.json", temp_dict=None): """UPDATE an existing code json file. Parameters ---------- fpth : str Path for the json file to be listed. Default is "code.json" temp_dict : dict Dictionary with USGS program data for a target Returns ------- """ if temp_dict is not None: if os.path.isfile(fpth): json_dict = usgs_program_data.load_json(fpth=fpth) if json_dict is not None: for key, value in temp_dict.items(): if key not in list(json_dict.keys()): json_dict[key] = value temp_dict = json_dict usgs_program_data.export_json(fpth, prog_data=temp_dict) return