pymake.plot.dependency_graphs module#

Dependency graphs for applications can be created using:

import os
import pymake

srcpth = os.path.join("..", "src")
deppth = "dependencies"
if not os.path.exists(deppth):

pymake.visualize.make_plots(srcpth, deppth, include_subdir=True)
make_plots(srcdir, outdir, include_subdir=False, level=3, extension='.png', verbose=False, networkx=False)[source]#

Create plots of module dependencies.

  • srcdir (str) – path for source files

  • outdir (str) – path for output images

  • include_subdir (bool) – boolean indicating is subdirectories in the source file directory should be included

  • level (int) – dependency level (1 is the minimum)

  • extension (str) – output extension (default is .png)

  • verbose (bool) – boolean indicating if output will be printed to the terminal

  • networkx (bool) – boolean indicating that the NetworkX python package will be used to create the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) used to determine the order source files are compiled in. The NetworkX package tends to result in a unique DAG more often than the standard algorithm used in pymake. (default is False)

to_pydot(dag, filename='mygraph.png')[source]#

Create a png file of a Directed Acyclic Graph

  • dag (object) – directed acyclic graph

  • filename (str) – path of the graph png