
Utility functions to:

  1. download and unzip software releases from the USGS and other organizations (triangle, MT3DMS).

  2. download the latest MODFLOW-based applications and utilities for MacOS, Linux, and Windows from MODFLOW-USGS/executables

  3. determine the latest version (GitHub tag) of a GitHub repository and a dictionary containing the file name and the link to a asset on contained in a github repository

  4. compress all files in a list, files in a list of directories

download_and_unzip(url, pth='./', delete_zip=True, verify=True, timeout=30, max_requests=10, chunk_size=2048000, verbose=False)[source]#

Download and unzip a zip file from a url.

  • url (str) – url address for the zip file

  • pth (str) – path where the zip file will be saved (default is the current path)

  • delete_zip (bool) – boolean indicating if the zip file should be deleted after it is unzipped (default is True)

  • verify (bool) – boolean indicating if the url request should be verified

  • timeout (int) – url request time out length (default is 30 seconds)

  • max_requests (int) – number of url download request attempts (default is 10)

  • chunk_size (int) – maximum url download request chunk size (default is 2048000 bytes)

  • verbose (bool) – boolean indicating if output will be printed to the terminal

get_repo_assets(github_repo=None, version=None, error_return=False, verify=True)[source]#

Return a dictionary containing the file name and the link to the asset contained in a github repository.

  • github_repo (str) – Repository name, such as MODFLOW-USGS/modflow6. If github_repo is None set to ‘MODFLOW-USGS/executables’

  • version (str) – github repository release tag

  • error_return (bool) – boolean indicating if None will be returned if there are GitHub API issues

  • verify (bool) – boolean indicating if the url request should be verified


result_dict – dictionary of file names and links

Return type:


getmfexes(pth='.', version=None, platform=None, exes=None, verbose=False, verify=True)[source]#

Get the latest MODFLOW binary executables from a github site (MODFLOW-USGS/executables) for the specified operating system and put them in the specified path.

  • pth (str) – Location to put the executables (default is current working directory)

  • version (str) – Version of the MODFLOW-USGS/executables release to use. If version is None the github repo will be queried for the version number.

  • platform (str) – Platform that will run the executables. Valid values include mac, linux, win32 and win64. If platform is None, then routine will download the latest asset from the github repository.

  • exes (str or list of strings) – executable or list of executables to retain

  • verbose (bool) – boolean indicating if output will be printed to the terminal

  • verify (bool) – boolean indicating if the url request should be verified

getmfnightly(pth='.', platform=None, exes=None, verbose=False, verify=True)[source]#

Get the latest MODFLOW 6 binary nightly-build executables from github (MODFLOW-USGS/modflow6-nightly-build) for the specified operating system and put them in the specified path.

  • pth (str) – Location to put the executables (default is current working directory)

  • platform (str) – Platform that will run the executables. Valid values include mac, linux, win32 and win64. If platform is None, then routine will download the latest asset from the github repository.

  • exes (str or list of strings) – executable or list of executables to retain

  • verbose (bool) – boolean indicating if output will be printed to the terminal

  • verify (bool) – boolean indicating if the url request should be verified

class pymakeZipFile(file, mode='r', compression=0, allowZip64=True, compresslevel=None, *, strict_timestamps=True, metadata_encoding=None)[source]#

Bases: ZipFile

ZipFile file attributes are not being preserved. This class preserves file attributes as described on StackOverflow at

static compressall(path, file_pths=None, dir_pths=None, patterns=None, append=False)[source]#

Compress selected files or files in selected directories.

  • path (str) – output zip file path

  • file_pths (str or list of str) – file paths to include in the output zip file (default is None)

  • dir_pths (str or list of str) – directory paths to include in the output zip file (default is None)

  • patterns (str or list of str) – file patterns to include in the output zip file (default is None)

  • append (bool) – boolean indicating if file paths should be appended to an existing zip file


success – boolean indicating if the output zip file was created

Return type:


extract(member, path=None, pwd=None)[source]#
  • member (str) – individual file to extract. If member does not exist, all files are extracted.

  • path (str) – directory path to extract file in a zip file (default is None, which results in files being extracted in the current directory)

  • pwd (str) – zip file password (default is None)


ret_val – return value indicating status of file extraction

Return type:


extractall(path=None, members=None, pwd=None)[source]#

Extract all files in the zipfile.

  • path (str) – directory path to extract files in a zip file (default is None, which results in files being extracted in the current directory)

  • members (str) – individual files to extract (default is None, which extracts all members)

  • pwd (str) – zip file password (default is None)

repo_latest_version(github_repo=None, verify=True)[source]#

Return a string of the latest version number (tag) contained in a github repository release.


github_repo (str) – Repository name, such as MODFLOW-USGS/modflow6. If github_repo is None set to ‘MODFLOW-USGS/executables’


version – string with the latest version/tag number

Return type:


zip_all(path, file_pths=None, dir_pths=None, patterns=None, append=False)[source]#

Compress all files in the user-provided list of file paths and directory paths that match the provided file patterns.

  • path (str) – path of the zip file that will be created

  • file_pths (str or list) – file path or list of file paths to be compressed

  • dir_pths (str or list) – directory path or list of directory paths to search for files that will be compressed

  • patterns (str or list) – file pattern or list of file patterns s to match to when creating a list of files that will be compressed

  • append (bool) – boolean indicating if file paths should be appended to an existing zip file